An Evaluative Study of Handling Disciplinary Issues of College Students: Guidelines from the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ()


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Seerat-Un-Nabi, College students, disciplinary problem, aggression, defiance, ingratitude, religious knowledge.


Education is a process, which attempts to positively change the behavior of individuals and group of people, so that they can better perform in their lives. Education ought to bring changes in human behavior in all aspects: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The prophet Muhammad (r), 14 centuries ago brought a marvelous change in human behavior through his teaching strategies. But in this 21st century, education has not been fully able to change student behavior. Several researches show that college students exhibit high social problems including deviation from society's norms. This problem can be resolved by modelling and the perfect example to imitate is the personality of the Prophet Muhammad (r) as a professional teacher. The present study aims to assess teacher’s attitude towards disciplinary problems of college students. Quantitative methodology has been adopted as a tool for this research study. Objective of this research study is to investigate the perception of teachers towards characteristics and causes of discipline problems of college students and strategies used to tackle them. The target population comprises of female teachers of government girls colleges in Islamabad Pakistan. The sample of the study consists of randomly selected 70 teachers of government girls colleges in Islamabad Pakistan. Findings of the study showed that students demonstrate following disciplinary problems: lack of motivation, sense of ingratitude, disrespect, defiance. Reasons of these problems are family issues, lack of education of parents, lack of religious knowledge, effect of social media and lack of true practicing of guidelines from the Seerat-Un-Nabi (r). It is recommended that all disciplinary issues can be resolved by following the personality traits of the prophet Muhammad (r).




كيفية الاقتباس

Saadia Razzaq, Dr. Tayyaba Razzaq, و Rabia Mumtaz. 2023. "An Evaluative Study of Handling Disciplinary Issues of College Students: Guidelines from the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ()". AL-ĪQĀẒ (الإيقاظ) 3 (1):65-78.



English Articles